Led by Dónal Lunny, known internationally as the foremost catalyst for the renaissance of traditional Irish music, this ensemble is a unique collaboration honouring ancient Celtic and Maori music in a contemporary context...Lunny has assembled the leading lights of the traditional musical circles from Ireland and Aotearoa to meet, workshop and collaborate in New Zealand before joining the Festival to bring us this cutting edge show woven from strands of music, kapa haka dance, poetry, the NZ traditional instruments Taonga Puoro or 'singing treasures' and the age-old gaelic style of singing Sean Nos...Featuring NZ's vocalist Whirimako Black, Taongo Puoro master Richard Nunns joined by Horomona Horo, percussionist Riki Gooch (founding member of Trinity Roots) and multiple award winning Glenn Colquhoun, voted 'The Peoples Poet' in the Montana Awards...From Ireland, joining Donal Lunny is fiddler Nollaig Casey, singer Iarla O' Lionaird, harpist Laois.e Kelly, guitarist Steve Cooney, Uilleann piper Sean McKeon and Irish poet Cathal O Searcaigh.
- Filename
- NF8GF 0759 ps.jpg
- Copyright
- © Robert Catto / www.catto.co.nz
- Image Size
- 4000x4000 / 2.7MB
- http://www.catto.co.nz
- Contained in galleries
- NZ Int'l Arts Festival 08, NZ Int'l Arts Festival 08 - Green Fire Island